How The Revolutionary Applancer Is Rewriting The Rule For Mobile App Development

How The Revolutionary Applancer Is Rewriting The Rule For Mobile App Development

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]mobile app development

In this world of apps and yet more apps, every business that needs to go online is looking for ways to create its idea into a successful app. There are thousands of people across the globe who can make a fabulous app for you, yet it can become a Herculean task to try and find the right skills to meet your requirements.

If you find yourself trapped between the horns of a dilemma, you should weigh out the pros and cons of hiring the skilled staff yourself or outsourcing the work. And if you are a start-up, cost-effectiveness is obviously high on your cards. Outsourcing scores miles ahead in such a case, as you are not bound with salary, employee benefit liabilities, and infra-costs to accommodate new inhouse staff, besides going through the botheration of finding the right talent.

Outsourcing for your mobile application development strategy has now become very convenient with the advent of disruptive platforms like Applancer.

What is Applancer?

It is an innovative web-based community of web development experts and project owners. It is much more than just a web app development marketplace. It is a ready assistant for project owners that helps them meet many prospective iPhone developers or Android developers, enables them to evaluate the various options and then make the right selection. It is also a community that gives you the latest insights and news in the form of unique and non-plagiarized content about the latest trends, technologies and success stories from around the world. This content is developed and curated from the community experts of cutting-edge mobile app strategy.

Who can use it?

The Applancer community has two categories of users:

  1. App developers – both freelancers and web development companies.
  2. Project owners (entrepreneurs, business owners) – who seek to turn their ideas into successful apps.

What are the benefits?

  • Research-based global platform

The quality of developers and companies that Applancer brings on board is based on detailed research about their capabilities. You can in fact check out their previous work by visiting their websites and even trying out their past-delivered apps. The selection criteria for onboarding freelancers is quite stringent and thus Applancer does the research-based screening at the first level itself, creating a community of top-quality talent.

  • Secure and safe

It ensures a certain degree of reliability and security for both ends. Keeping the project owners’ money safe till they are satisfied with the delivered product goes a long way in ensuring you pay only for what you ask. For the developers, their code stays safe before ending the project. It also acts as a mediator in case of conflicts or disputes.

  • Reduced costs with increased availability of expertise

Applancer ensures that the world of opportunities is not limited by your own capabilities, rather it opens up the world community of expertise for you. The costing of hiring expertise goes down drastically when you use Applancer. You can pick and choose your dedicated team from more than one source or geography and ensure that everyone on your team works in collaboration using the platform as a backbone framework.

  • A whole spectrum of end-to-end services

The work isn’t done after simply delivering the app – Applancer ensures that all responsibilities from handover to training and even support is dealt out in a robust environment. This helps create trust and mutual cooperation throughout the life-cycle of the development. Developers can thus concentrate on making a fabulous app in a healthy and cordial working environment where they feel motivated to deliver their best.

  • Handy tools

Applancer has built handy tools to empower mobile Android app developers and iPhone App Development Company in India and across the world for prototyping, UX design, and app development tools for both Android as well as iOS, customised for the specific business domains that are need them.

Applancer is a smart out-of-the-box-solution that is set to change the ecosystem for iPhone and Android  app development in India and also across the globe. The force behind Applancer is always looking for better ways to make mobile app development an open stage, bringing in more transparency, accountability and higher levels of service quality, riding on the digital interconnectedness of the virtual world.




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