Hire DevOps Engineer

Hire DevOps Engineer

Our DevOps experts specialize in Git, Gradle, CI/CD (Jenkins, Bamboo, Circle CI), Docker, Kubernetes, and Splunk to boost your software’s speed and reliability.

1 Hour On-Demand Software Expert

1 Week Risk-Free Trials

Fast Onboard, Only if Satisfied

Save 40% On Development Cost & Time

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Outsource DevOps Engineer

Unleash your business potential with a sophisticated, secure, and scalable application. Hire DevOps engineer from our team in just 1 hour. Elevate the efficiency of your IT departments by Hiring a DevOps engineer from our ranks, streamlining internal processes, and expediting update releases. With reasonable pricing, Hire DevOps engineers can revolutionize your application development procedures.

We take immense pride in catering to our client’s requisites and the best Best DevOps development solutions tailored to your unique product requirements. Our innovative Resource-as-a-service (RaaS) hiring model provides instant access to a pool of seasoned developers. Simply convey your needs, and we guarantee to deliver optimal outcomes.

Book a Call & Enjoy A 40-Hour Trial, Completely Risk-Free & Commitment-Free.

Fast Onboarding, Guaranteed Satisfaction. Explore Multiple Industry Expertise. NDA Protected.

Why Every Company Favors Us

1 Hour Hiring Developer Policy

Zero Developer Backout

30+ Technology Expertise

40 Hours Risk-Free Trial

Regular Client Updates

Dedicated Project Manager

Extremely Competitive Costs

Flexible Contracts

Hassle-Free Design & Development

Why is Hiring DevOps Developers Right For Your Business

Faster and More Reliable Software Delivery

DevOps specialists are proficient at streamlining software delivery pipelines, which can lead to more rapid and dependable releases

Improved collaboration and communication

DevOps specialists are educated to close the communication and collaboration gaps between the development and operations teams

Greater Scalability and Flexibility

For companies that need to react quickly to shifting market conditions, DevOps professionals are mastered at designing scalable and flexible systems

Better security and risk management

DevOps techs have experience putting security measures in place that defend against cyber threats and reduce risk

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

DevOps professionals can automate many repetitive tasks, giving developers and operations staff more time to concentrate on more strategic work

Competitive Advantage

By implementing DevOps practises, companies can boost their competitiveness by becoming more innovative, agile, and customer-focused


We have a team of talented DevOps developers who are knowledgeable in a range of DevOps tools and technologies. They have experience managing CI/CD pipelines and have worked on a variety of DevOps projects

Proven Track Record

We have successfully completed numerous DevOps projects for customers across a range of industries. Our DevOps developers have helped to speed up time to market and boost productivity while ensuring the efficient and effective delivery of software.

Robust Infrastructure

Our DevOps developers can work quickly and effectively kudos to our reliable infrastructure. High-speed internet, cutting-edge tools and technologies, and cutting-edge hardware and software are all part of our infrastructure

Timely Delivery

We recognise the value of timely delivery and work to deliver our DevOps projects according to the schedules set forth. Our DevOps developers are dedicated to delivering top-notch software by the deadlines

Continuous Improvement

For our DevOps engineer, continuous improvement is a primary concern. To pinpoint areas for improvement and implement the necessary adjustments to streamline the development process, they use metrics and feedback

Agile Methodology

In our DevOps projects, we adhere to the Agile methodology, which enables us to deliver software in fewer cycles with ongoing feedback and improvement

Most - Demanding Angular JS Combinations We Cater

Angular + AWS

Angular + Docker

Angular + RoR

Angular + .Net

Angular + Node

Angular + Laravel

Angular + Java

Angular + GoLang

Case Studies

Real-World Case Studies of Our Impactful Solutions

NBFC Digi Gold Case Study

Investing in gold has been a traditional practice for many, especially homemakers and jeweler shop owners. Investing in gold has been a traditional practice for many, especially homemakers and jeweler shop owners.

Gold Loan Case Study
Digital Transformation of a Restaurant Supply Chain
Revolutionizing Real Estate With a Robust Digital Platform

Gold Loan Case Study

Digital Transformation of a Restaurant Supply Chain

Revolutionizing Real Estate With a Robust Digital Platform

Save upto 40% Cost On Hiring & Development

NDA protected. 100+ Time-Zone Support. Multiple Domain Expertise

Outsource DevOps Engineer

Why Nimap DevOps Engineer

With Nimap Infotech’s DevOps Engineer, you will be able to:

– Improve collaboration across teams and departments.
– Build, test, and deployment procedures may all be automated and streamlined.
– Increase your adaptability and response to change.
– Increase your efficiency while lowering the chance of mistake.

Define a DevOps plan that fits your goals and needs. Design and implement a process for maintaining and updating your applications (using a DevOps workflow).

Dedicated DevOps Developer's Expertise

In-depth Knowledge

Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, and AWS are just a few of the tools and technologies that our DevOps developers are proficient with. They are knowledgeable enough to make use of these tools to streamline the development, testing, and deployment procedures

Expert With infrastructure

Our DevOps software developers are familiar with writing code to provision and configure infrastructure resources and they comprehend the idea of infrastructure as code. Automating infrastructure management, lowers the possibility of human error

Expertise in CI/CD

To automate the build, test, and deployment procedures, our DevOps developers have experience setting up and managing CI/CD pipelines. By doing this, the time and effort needed to release software updates are reduced

Strong Problem-Solving Skills

Strong problem-solving abilities enable our DevOps developers to quickly locate and fix problems in the development, testing, and deployment processes. They can also troubleshoot infrastructure problems and recommend upgrades to improve performance

Collaboration Skills

To ensure smooth and effective software delivery, our DevOps developers collaborate closely with development teams, QA teams, and other stakeholders. They are able to work well with cross-functional teams because they have strong communication and teamwork skills

Continuous Learning

To stay current with the newest trends and technologies, our DevOps developers constantly learn new things and improve their existing skills. To stay current on new developments in the DevOps field, they frequently participate in industry events and attend training sessions

Technical Expertise of Our Angular Developer

Hire DevOps Engineer in Just 1 Hour

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our 40-hour risk-free trial period is absolutely free. You can assess the necessary developer throughout these 40 hours to determine whether he fits your project requirements well.

Our DevOps developers are potentially well-experienced they have worked on diverse projects. So, undoubtedly they can assist you in completing an project.

Depending on your query and our developer’s level of experience, the price may change. We have customized pricing for you if you’d like to hire a team of DevOps developers; get in touch with us to learn more.

We have a C2C hiring option where we are responsible for supplying the necessary resources and expertise to complete the projects.
Once you have hired a developer of your choice you can pay the cost via wire transfer debit or credit card.

Hire Senior DevOps Developers from us to work in accordance with your time frame, objectives, and time zone (EST/PST/CST/MST). Our developers also work according to the Europe time zone. Contact us at sales@nimapinfotech.com to learn more.

Hiring DevOps developers from Nimap Infotech comes with a lot of advantages. They’re not just good at the technical stuff; they’re also experts at building advanced applications. Nimap Infotech has a team of experienced DevOps programmers who know their way around different technologies.

Benefits of Hiring DevOps Developers includes 24*7 Maintenance and Support, Certified DevOps Developers, Top-tier Development Expertise, Effortless Project Co-ordination.

Yes, we absolutely give a guarantee of keeping your project’s information confidential with us. Under any circumstances, it will not be disclosed to the outsiders.

We may provide you with a free replacement as we completely understand  that every project requires different sets of talents. If you’re still unsatisfied, we’ll end the contract with a two-week notice. All unpaid work as well as the work completed up until the termination date will be listed on the termination invoice. All work that has been started up until this point will be delivered to the client in a usable electronic format.

Dedicated DevOps developers can create high-quality, optimized, and scalable applications since they have specialized knowledge and experience in IT infrastrure

Set clear expectations, track progress, perform code reviews, keep track of communication, and analyze performance metrics to evaluate the performance of a hired developer.

Contact us

Step Into the Future of Innovative

Software Development & IT Outsourcing

Utilize the advanced expertise of Nimap Infotech to confidently develop, implement, test, and maintain future-ready software, web, and mobile applications.

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Reviewed On Top Platforms
Industry Recognitions and Awards
Schedule a Free Consultation

What happens Next?

Step 1

Our team will analyze your needs and contact you with details within 24 hours.

Step 2

We’ll gather your project needs, define goals, and assess market segments.

Step 3

We’ll draft a project blueprint, estimate costs, and plan actions.