Hire ASP Dot Net Developers

Accelerate the growth of your company and business by employing Nimap’s Asp Dot Net developers. Take advantage of their superior, globally recognized experience to increase your company’s efficiency. We have experience in several areas, such as cloud applications, artificial intelligence, and online and mobile development. These developers work on jobs like coding .NET apps, creating useful solutions, streamlining code, integrating data storage systems, and providing thorough technical support for various platforms on a daily basis.

Our team of .Net developers offers a range of .NET development services in the .NET Domain because of our technical proficiency and use of the agile development technique.

Choose our latest Model Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS) to choose one or more developers based on the requirements of your project. With our constant commitment to reducing any developer backouts from your project,  Hire Dot Net Developers in just 1 hour from our latest resource as a service model.

Trusted Clients

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Top 9 Reasons To Choose Us

Advantages Of Hiring .Net Developer

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture provides a comprehensive insight into the architecture’s structure, operations, and applications, offering a nuanced understanding of the intricate facets of enterprise architectural design.

Customize Asp.NET Website

Empowering tailored solutions, Nimap excels in crafting ASP.NET web applications that boast not only robust functionality but also a high level of security features to safeguard your digital assets.

Asp.net Framework Architecture

As a server-side open-source framework, it is the catalyst for developing web applications that are not only highly responsive but also imbued with an unparalleled level of interactivity.

CMS Website Development

Collaborating with you, we assist in crystallizing your SEO objectives and co-creating a pragmatic strategy, ensuring a roadmap tailored to your unique digital goals.

Enterprise Portal Development

Within Nimap, our expertise lies in the development of dot net applications specifically tailored for large-scale enterprises, ensuring robust and scalable solutions.

Cloud Migration services

Migrating an Asp.NET application to the cloud proves notably smoother compared to one built with the latest and cutting-edge technologies, showcasing the adaptability and longevity of the Asp.NET framework.


Screening of candidates

Shortlisting of Profiles

Interview Candidates

Onboarding the Resource within
1 hour

Nimap VS Competitors

How We Make A Difference !

Why Nimap Freelancers Competitors
Onboarding Time 1 Hour One Week 4-5 Days
Cost Of Project Reasonable Lowest Average
Project Guaranteed
Guaranteed Reliable
No Guarantee Depends On Expertise
Developer Backing
Out Support
Guaranteed Developer
No Guarantee Overhead For Newer
Developer Onboarding
Flexible Contracts Flexible Contracts No Flexible Contracts No Flexible Contracts
Management Level Guaranteed Customer
Centric Approach
Difficult To Manage May Or May Not*
Client Side Work Onsite Flexible For Client
Side Work (Onsite)
Doesn’t Apply
(Remote Work)
May Or May Not*
Project Completion Support Guaranteed Project
Support After Completion
Depends On Developer Preferences May Or May Not*
Project Time Guaranteed
Lowest Time
Longest Variable
Freelancers Competitors Why Nimap
Onboarding Time One Week 4-5 Days 1 Hour
Cost Of Project Lowest Average Reasonable
Project Guaranteed
No Guarantee Depends On Expertise Guaranteed Reliable
Developer Backing
Out Support
No Guarantee Overhead For Newer
Developer Onboarding
Guaranteed Developer
Flexible Contracts No Flexible Contracts No Flexible Contracts Flexible Contracts
Management Level Difficult To Manage May Or May Not* Guaranteed Customer
Centric Approach
Client Side Work Onsite Doesn’t Apply
(Remote Work)
May Or May Not* Flexible For Client
Side Work (Onsite)
Project Completion Support Depends On Developer Preferences May Or May Not* Guaranteed Project
Support After Completion
Project Time Longest Variable Guaranteed
Lowest Time

Technical Expertise to Hire Dot Net Developers


Business layer & Web Services


Data Layer

Cloud Technologies

Business Intelligence

Testing and Monitoring


Third-Party Tool

Payment Gateways

Reporting & Data Mining


Deployment Process

Upgrade Services

WHY ASP.net ?

Hire Asp.Net Developers to accelerate and augment your asp.net development efforts. Leverage the features and functionality of the newest Microsoft technologies that provide you with a seamless way to create applications using ASP.net technologies. We guarantee you the best experience and efforts for development of your scalable ASP.net applications


Create new and innovative web applications using Microsoft technologies

Less development time and efforts for developers

Provides seamless user experience and high performance applications

Easier maintenance for developers looking to supplement web app features and functions

All-in-one tools available for easier development and testing

Do you think that going with ASP.net
is profitable to you? Sure it is!

Our Services are designed to help you get the most of our development resources for your project. You can be rest assured that

Resources ON DEMAND



We serve and cater to a wide variety of industries. Our solutions focus on providing value no matter what industry you work in.

Information Technology

Healthcare and
Travel and
Banking and
Logistics and
Media and
Education and


Most Popular Questions

Our 40-hour risk-free trial period is absolutely free. You can assess the necessary developer throughout these 40 hours to determine whether he fits your project requirements well. 

Our Asp. Net developers are potentially well-experienced they have worked on diverse projects. So, undoubtedly they can assist you in completing an web app development project.

Depending on your query and our developer’s level of experience, the price may change. We have customized pricing for you if you’d like to hire a team of Asp. Net developers; get in touch with us to learn more.

We have a C2C hiring option where we are responsible for supplying the necessary resources and expertise to complete the projects. 

Once you have hired a developer of your choice you can pay the cost via wire transfer debit or credit card.

Hire Senior Asp. Net Developers from us to work in accordance with your time frame, objectives, and time zone (EST/PST/CST/MST). Our developers also work according to the Europe time zone. Contact us at sales@nimapinfotech.com to learn more.

We offer ongoing support and maintenance services. We ensure the applications are up-to-date and bug-free, giving businesses a hassle-free experience.

Yes, we absolutely give a guarantee of keeping your project’s information confidential with us. Under any circumstances, it will not be disclosed to the outsiders.

We may provide you with a free replacement as we completely understand  that every project requires different sets of talents. If you’re still unsatisfied, we’ll end the contract with a two-week notice. All unpaid work as well as the work completed up until the termination date will be listed on the termination invoice. All work that has been started up until this point will be delivered to the client in a usable electronic format.

Dedicated Asp. Net developers can create high-quality, optimized, and scalable applications since they have specialized knowledge and experience in creating Asp. Net applications.

Set clear expectations, track progress, perform code reviews, keep track of communication, and analyze performance metrics to evaluate the performance of a hired developer.


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Ashok Raj

Vice President


Project Manager