Revolutionizing Real Estate With a Robust Digital Platform

Project description:

We have worked closely with our clients to assist them in their digital transformation, particularly in the real estate domain. Our process involved designing and creating a robust app that revolutionizes how people find, buy, rent, or sell properties. This newly designed “Standard App” is a go-to platform for individuals, professionals, and contractors to track their projects.

The app aims to ensure the quality of products, methodologies, and project security. Built on assurance services and in-house management standards, it is supported by well-designed procedures, guidelines, and documentation to deliver consistent, high-quality results and elevate product performance and reliability


  1. Manual Data Management:
    • 2 Lakh+ NC reports, PM visits, and Work Inspection Reports managed in Excel and physical registers.
  2. Time-Consuming Process:
    • Report processing time: 15-20 days.
  3. Quality Sensitivity Index:
    • Manually calculated and tracked in Excel.
    • 500+ hours annually for maintenance.
  4. Test Reports and On-Site Training Records:
    • 1 Lakh+ records stored in Excel and hard copies.
    • Retrieval time during audits: 10-15 hours per audit.
  5. Inefficiencies:
    • Data management and retrieval resulted in significant inefficiencies and delays.


  • Market Research and Differentiation:
    • Conducted in-depth market research.
    • Created a layout and outline for market differentiation and identifying market gaps.
    • Significant improvement in project control and execution.
    • Successful deployment of a unique application in under two months.
    • Substantial cost savings for the client due to improved real-time quality and project tracking.


  1. Automation of Reports:
    • 2 Lakh+ reports are automated and accessible via a dashboard.
    • Instant record tracking with a single click.
  2. Quality Sensitivity Index:
    • Automated calculation and tracking.
    • 90% reduction in maintenance time.
  3. Centralized Access:
    • 3 Lakh+ records consolidated within an app and dashboard.
    • Time and effort savings: 70%.
  4. Automated Notifications and Billing:
    • Email notifications and PDFs for billing.
    • 80% time-saving for contractors, enhanced efficiency.
  5. Unified Dashboard for Auditors:
    • Single dashboard and repository.
    • Audit retrieval time: Reduced to 1 minute per audit.
  6. Visual Data Representation:
    • Graphs and visual representations for 2 Lakh+ non-compliances.
    • Immediate insights for corrective actions.


  • React Native
  • Asp Dot NET
  • Angular

Project Outcomes:

We created a specific backend solution that contains the application’s business logic. The concept behind this robust-built app is that it would be possible for both property owners and those looking to buy real estate to appreciate and determine the quality of each room in an apartment by learning about the building process from the very beginning to the very end. 

  1. Quality testing and coding were guaranteed before delivery.
  2. We have implemented several cutting-edge features to make the app stand out from the competition.
  3. With only one click, users can now identify and conduct an appropriate quality check of their apartments.
  4. We simultaneously took into account both the design and development aspects.
  5. We developed a thorough strategy that included the application of both manual and automated quality assurance testing to address every issue we had.


Overall, the outcome and conclusion of the project depend upon the QSI mark. The QSI mark states the commitment of the client and what has been achieved in reality. Suppose it meets the expectation of the committed value. In that case, this standard app approves and features it as the best built-in quality project in the best condition. If there is a divergence between the committed and actual one, specific tools and techniques are required to minimize the gap between the two. 

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