Popular Twitter Hashtags List

Popular Twitter Hashtags List

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Every once in a while there seems to be a particular word that insanely gets popular.
These words get you organic reaches and enables your creative or post to be seen by all
These words that helps you to get organic searches as well as reaches are called hashtags, and these hashtags can increase the view count or impressions for your particular posts and could be a good way to get free followers on social media platforms such as Instagram. These hashtags seem to be increasing popular. In this article we are going to discuss some hashtags that you can use in order to increase the reach and visibility of your post and also help you to get your posts or creatives to be viewed by all.

We will explain to you where to use these hashtags:



This hashtag is insanely popular, the statistics show that it has 388 unique tweets per hour, 70 retweets per hour and 2666196 views per hour. You will get to see all the tweets from the technology sector and also be able to view any new news that you want to hear about the technology sector.


This is another popular hashtag, this tag will show you the news from the science and innovation stream. This hashtag gets 829 unique tweets per hour, 429 retweets per hour, and 4274538 views or impressions per hour.


This hashtag is similar to the technology hashtag and will provide you with similar results. This hashtag gets 154 unique tweets per hour, 84 retweets per hour, and 666862 views or impressions per hour


This hashtag will provide you results from emerging or updating platforms. This is a very popular hashtag and will give you results if you publish tweets related to platform developments. This hashtag gets 21 unique tweets per hour, 17 retweets per hour, and 110825 views or impressions per hour.


The recent developments in the field of education can be viewed by using this hashtag. Another popular hashtag that has come to light in recent times. This hashtag gets 350 unique tweets per hour, 100 retweets per hour, and 4666996 views or impressions per hour.


We never know what the future holds for us, but the recent or upcoming developments in the future technologies can be seen by using this hashtag. This hashtag gets 62 unique tweets per hour, 13 retweets per hour, and 242200 views or impressions per hour.


Any latest developments in the cloud environments can be seen by using this popular hashtag. This hashtag gets 150 unique tweets per hour, 71 retweets per hour, and 1014850 views or impressions per hour.


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This hashtag will enable you to see the latest developments happening to Microsoft’s Edge Browser. This hashtag gets 12 unique tweets per hour, 9 retweets per hour, and 14812 views or impressions per hour.


Any fresh news in the field of News sector can be seen by using this hashtag. This hashtag gets 1442 unique tweets per hour, 1150 retweets per hour, and 8911500 views or impressions per hour.


Any industry related news and tweets can be seen by using this hashtag.
This hashtag gets 46 unique tweets per hour, 12 retweets per hour, and 17954 views or impressions per hour


Any security/ Cyber-security related developments can be seen by using this hashtag. This hashtag gets 188 unique tweets per hour, 50 retweets per hour, and 1858062 views or impressions per hour


This hashtag has similar results compared to the technology hashtag we’ve seen earlier. This hashtag gets 546 unique tweets per hour, 166 retweets per hour, and 3743862 views or impressions per hour


Any business related news will be seen by this hashtag. This is another popular hashtag that provides news related to business dealings and acquisitions.
This hashtag gets 792 unique tweets per hour, 125 retweets per hour, and 6194988 views or impressions per hour


Any new company related news will be seen by using this hashtag.
This hashtag gets 21 unique tweets per hour, 4 retweets per hour, and 33342 views or impressions per hour.


Any new information related to the information technology sector can be seen by using this hashtag.This hashtag gets 196 unique tweets per hour, 16 retweets per hour, and 8081204 views or impressions per hour


Any new development news will be seen by using this hashtag. This hashtag gets 100 unique tweets per hour, 29 retweets per hour, and 174488 views or impressions per hour


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Google related news and happenings will be seen by using this hashtag.
This hashtag gets 279 unique tweets per hour, 109 retweets per hour, and 7208821 views or impressions per hour


Software development news is seen by using this hashtag: This hashtag gets 129 unique tweets per hour, 33 retweets per hour, and 576238 views or impressions per hour


Facebook related news and the latest developments can be seen by utilizing this hashtag. This hashtag gets 312 unique tweets per hour, 121 retweets per hour, and 576238 views or impressions per hour


Any news related to IOT will be seen by using this hashtag. This hashtag gets 304 unique tweets per hour, 204 retweets per hour, and 5454792 views or impressions per hour

These hashtags are increasingly popular and when used wisely, can get you a huge number of views and impressions for you posts and creatives. These hashtags can literally make your post go viral. We have shared with you some of the most creative and innovative hashtags that will help you to get huge number of views for your twitter tweets.


In this article we have shared with you the most popular hashtags that you can use to promoting tweets. These hashtags have a wide range of audience reach and will surely help you in making your tweet go viral and trending.

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