How WordPress Development Can Benefit Your Business?

How WordPress Development Can Benefit Your Business?

How Wordpress development ca benefit your business
Ever since the WordPress content management system came out in 2003, there has been a boom in using these CMS for hosting websites. Many businesses have switched to using WordPress for showcasing their business portfolio. This is no doubt that over 34% of all the world’s websites have been powered and operated on WordPress. WordPress Development has made a transition from the ubiquitous blogging site to a preferred and pre-eminent open-source web development platform. WordPress is the most popular and most used content management system. According to Yoast, WordPress accounts for 20-25% of all new websites.


From top-notch publications, for example, the New York Times and CNN, music barons such as Jay-Z and Katy Perry to Fortune 500 Companies such as UPS and eBay, WordPress designing as well as the development has been much sought after.


If you’re a new business and are thinking of developing a website for your business, let us give you the 10 most important reasons and advantages of using WordPress for your business website.




1. WordPress is the most popular and most cost-effective Content Management System around:

Thanks to the creation of WordPress, gone are the days when the creation of a website would cost you a fortune. In other words, creating a website that runs WordPress would now only cost you a few bucks. WordPress designing and development is now the most cost-effective. Also, the work of updating and maintaining your website is relatively cheap and you can do it for yourself instead of hiring a designer for each update that you want to do to your website.


2. Update your Website from all places and at any time:

If you decide to develop your business website using WordPress, then you can make changes to your website from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the internet and have a laptop or a computer for your convenient operation.


3. WordPress is Search Engine Optimization Ready:

WordPress is also Search Engine Optimization ready. Websites that have been built using WordPress have simple and constant codes for making them ideal for indexing by search engines such as Google and Bing. There are multiple SEO components that you can use that give you full control over which pages you want to be indexed and want to rank high in search engines. You can also focus your SEO campaigns on high-conversion pages such as your inner blog pages that gain a lot of traffic.


4. Convenient Syndication:

This has been a highly effective way to earn inbound links for your website. Every time you get an opportunity to post a new blog entry, it can be automatically fed into an RSS feed system, thus making it easier for others to syndicate your content across directories and other websites.



5. Responsive Web Designing:

With the prediction that mobile traffic is likely to surpass web traffic, responsive designing has not been an option but a necessity. When you use WordPress website design, you can automatically get the benefit of having a responsive web design directly integrated into your website, thus eliminating the need to develop separate websites for different devices.



Know More: How to Make a WordPress Site Responsive?



6. Upgrade your Website’s capabilities easily:

The addition of new features and functionalities can get very difficult for traditional websites, especially those that are created using complex and sophisticated platforms. This is exactly the opposite of those websites developed using WordPress. Multiple plugins provide functionality that you can easily install and take just three steps. Furthermore, the WordPress community is very active and friendly and almost every best practice is well documented. So if you are looking to add a particular feature to your website, chances are that there will be other users out there that have documented what to do.



7. Ideal for Aggressive Content Marketing

In this digital age of online marketing where fresh content is of high importance, WordPress themed has an advantage over traditional ones. In a matter of seconds, you can get to update your website’s content and you can do so far as frequently as you want, thus eliminating the need for going through complicated steps. You can get to update your website’s design in an easy way thus making it an ideal platform for tactical campaigns (For example holiday promotions). Additionally, being equipped to update the content frequently will help you and your company or organization to build credibility in your niche.



8. Ultimate Integration for Social Media:

Another benefit that you get when you opt for WordPress development or a WordPress-themed website is the easy and seamless integration with social networks. You do not need to log in to your social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter accounts, and you can let your social community know about the fresh content that you have for them.



9. Increased Website Security:

One of the main, as well as primary criticisms against WordPress designing and development, is that it was first conceived as it has poor security. This is a myth that has been debunked and proven to be false. As long as you have good WordPress designers and developers at hand, you can fortify your website’s security and make it hack-proof. The same cannot be stated or said for traditional websites that don’t run WordPress.


10. Easy Transition From One Designer to the Next:

WordPress makes it easy for designers and developers alike to switch developers. Unless you are loyal to your designer or design firm, chances are that there will be several designers who will be working on your website. In the past, this was extremely difficult because each designer of the firm had its reputed platform. WordPress designing and development operate on a universal, and open-source platform thus making it easier for you to transition from one developer or designer to the other.




Read More: How is M-Commerce Beneficial for Modern Business






These are some reasons that you can benefit from if you decide to choose WordPress as developing your company’s Website. There are a lot of options that you can ascertain when you choose to develop your business website in WordPress. We hope that you have found this article informative.

If you’re looking to hire a WordPress developer for developing your website then do contact us at




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