How can startups choose a WordPress Development company

How can startups choose a WordPress Development company

The ways in which startups choose a wordpress development company

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WordPress is a content management platform that is being used in over 35% of all websites around the world. Since its inception in 2003 WordPress grew slowly and steadily and emerged as one of the most popular platforms for sharing content on the Internet today. Today it is one of the most beginner and user-friendly platforms that are available out there for CMS.
Any business that is looking forward to hosting its products and services using WordPress has many advantages to benefit from. The advantages offered by WordPress are innumerable.


In this article, we are going to discuss the points that you need to remember when you are selecting a WordPress development company. These points will help you to filter out many companies and select the best ones for your website project.


There are several approaches when it comes to designing a website for your business choosing WordPress platform:
Here are some of the options that we will put light on:


  1. Choosing a Freelancer
  2. Setting up an In house team
  3. Choosing a Company




1] Choosing a Freelancer


This is the easiest option when it comes to the strategies of designing a company website.
There are many freelance WordPress developers available on major platforms like, and so on. You need to ascertain the different projects that the freelancer has handled in the past. This option is the riskiest as it has many flaws in the process that could impact your WordPress project.


When it comes to choosing a freelancer, you need to make sure that the developer has a varied amount of experience and expertise in developing websites. Check if his/their portfolio is clean and contact the owners of his past projects to make sure that experience the owners got from the freelancer was up to expectations, and they were fully satisfied with his/her work.


One advantage when choosing a freelancer is that you do not have to manage the expenses associated with running an office, because most of the freelancers tend to work comfortably at home using his/her own Personal Computer or laptop. You also won’t have to bear the electricity and stationary cost that is normally borne by office owners.


Remember that because there are no restrictions in place for the freelancer, it can happen that he/she may abandon the project if they get stuck somewhere in development and can’t find a resolution to the problem faced by him/her. Also, it may happen that there may be days when the freelancer may simply won’t work because of his sickness and leaves during the project duration.


After you have the project completed you can pay the freelancer for his work. This option has the least amount of expenses involved but is equally risky as there is no guarantee the project will be completed successfully.





Read More: How WordPress Development Can Benefit Your Business?





2] Setting Up an In House team


If you are willing to spend the time and effort for your company’s project, you can try to set up an in-house WordPress development team. This means you are willing to bear the expenses of running an office as well as providing machines for the developers and designers to work on.

If you have the time and space then you need to manage everything from the office expenses such as renting out the office space to buying the machines for the developers as well as paying the salaries of the developers. You also have to go through the process of conducting interviews and checking the skill level of the candidates before you make your decision to hire them for your project.


This approach has a major amount of expenses incurred. The main advantage of this approach is that you can have the project tailor-made to your specifications. Also, you will be able to place an eye keenly on the progress of the development that happens.


If there are problems such as someone gets stuck on an issue, the developer can take help from other developers in the same team. So there is less likelihood of the project getting stuck due to problems or issues incurred during the process of development. There are backed guarantees that the project will be completed successfully and up to the expectations of the end-user.


In this approach, you need to account for the leaves and absences that may happen during the course of the project duration. This is a contract based approach and the contract ends when the project is successfully completed and delivered to you.




3] Choosing a development company


This is the most effective and an effective approach compared to the other two approaches discussed earlier. As there is a guarantee that the project will be successfully delivered as per the expectations of your company. The main thing that you need to make sure is that you need to check the credibility as well as the past projects done by the company. All the expenses will be borne by the company developing the project for you.


You may get a dedicated project manager and point of contact from whom you can submit your project requirements. This is the safest and viable option that we have discussed so far. You also do not need to manage the employees as the company or organization will do it for you. You also do not have to worry about sick leaves of absences during your project duration. As there will always be a backup developer who will be working on your project if someone from the team is absent.

This approach is the most efficient as there is less expense involved compared to hiring an entire in-house team and setting up a workplace for them.



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WordPress being a great CMS platform it is no doubt that companies are beginning to use it to their advantage. When it comes to choosing a WordPress development company it all comes down to the personal preferences and the expertise that they have in the development field.

If you’re looking to hire wordpress developers in setting up your business website then do contact us. You can also hire WordPress Developer in Dubai, UAE. We have the most experienced professional ready to onboard for your project.





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