Get Your App Out There Faster

Get Your App Out There Faster

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Mobile Application Development

It is true that your app is the realization of your wonderful ideation. Yet, the time that it takes to get your app out there in the market may actually kill its very kick! Timing is very important and with the transient nature of all things today, hitting the market at the right time is of utmost importance.

It is foolhardy to think that your app is going to be relevant forever, hence when you decide to hire an app development company in India, do ask the time to market the company typically has been adhering to.

In fact, you can dig a bit deeper and hire iOS developers or companies with the following process in mind:

Have stringent shipping dates

Set a target date and work backward to achieve it, always keeping it strict for clear goals and adherence to timelines. The deadline is sacrosanct and when you hire a web developer, make sure that this is communicated in no simple terms. It is okay to scope and descope functionality to meet this date, but delaying is just not an option.

Do you know: Top 7 Aspects Of App Development

Leverage wireframes

A low-fidelity wireframe is like a structural framework in which the app can hang for more meat and form.  When you iterate and reiterate through this wireframe, you can get more feedback upfront, so as to reduce development and recoding efforts later.

Go small, go agile – build as you deliver, deliver as you build

Start small, let your iOS app programmer take out a teaser with minimal functionality. This way, you can connect with your users. Get live feedback, catch their attention and leave them eager for more. Then, build little by little as you get into a continuous build and delivery cycle for a truly agile iterative approach.

Begin with one platform, simple!

Start with a single platform, with a simple form factor to get more experience on your app. For iOS app development, this is usually the iPhone.

Eat the elephant first

Take on the most challenging and result-oriented features first. Once you have handled the tougher bits, small changes will come in faster and better each time with the gained experience, both in the workshop and on the ground. Shoving these for the later stage may endanger your shipment date and that is totally unwanted.

Go hybrid – use dev platforms

Once you have reached a certain level of maturity on a platform, go for other extensions such as Android/ There are many development platforms that support hybrid apps now. Some of these are Xamarin, React, and Ionic. Choose a mobile application development company in Mumbai that has experience in these tools.

Automation for regression and stability

Testing time can be greatly reduced if automation is added to the process. Manual testing is costly in terms of time and is prone to error. When you test, use testing environments that support automation. Build a regression suite along, so that the following cycles can be tested faster.


Read More: 5 Steps involved in Android App Development Process


Weekly builds are a commitment

Ensure shorter sprint cycles and the process of making weekly builds and releases. This means that testers can get to the early stages of development and bugs can be found faster and solved close to the source of origin.  Once the product is more stable, you can even plan for daily builds as your system gets more mature and the team gets more hand-on experience with the expected behavior.

Nimap Infotech is a successful IT outsourcing web and mobile app development company in Mumbai. Having years of experience in developing our developers are highly smart with their development process. If you’re looking to design a mobile application for your business you can count on our developers. Having all types of developers in our team you can outsource any developer depending on your business requirements.




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