What is Bespoke Software? What are its advantages and disadvantages

What is Bespoke Software? What are its advantages and disadvantages

Bespoke software advantages and disadvantages
In today’s world, we regard personalized and customized approach as the perfect solution. Towards solving the day to day problems and delivering satisfaction in the way things execute. This is true for all things be it custom emails, custom clothing, custom greetings, and even custom software. In short, Custom software is the way for solving business problems.  They cater to solving a specific set of challenges faced by any organization. Bespoke software is nothing but custom software designed for the specific organizations.  And caters to specific goals company wants to achieve. Bespoke software becomes the next version of tailor-made software. As custom design and development goes hand in hand according to the specifications and goals set by the company or organization.

By making a decision to go forward with the development of bespoke software solutions for your company or organization’s business you can be giving your company a new platform to grow, develop as well as expand. In Spite of this, many companies hesitate to invest in custom made software solutions, tailored to their specific needs, and they settle for off-shelf products. In this blog, we are going to discuss what is bespoke software what are its advantages and disadvantages.


Let’s see if the decision that they make is the right one or not:


What is Bespoke software?

Bespoke software is nothing but custom-designed software tailor-made and developed for any organization. The software caters to the needs and requirements carefully addressed and counted upon. The software fits perfectly and addresses the concern about the problem situation and therefore completely satisfies the needs of the organization using it. Because it is tailor-made and not bought off-the-shelf, costs more than your typical store-bought software. However, in the long term, bespoke software does not require any need of maintenance or further upgradation.  Many firms and organizations use bespoke software for their applications and sustenance of business operations.

People regard bespoke software being the best solution for companies and organizations. This is because all the requirements perfectly addresses the software. It completely fits the bill of needs an organization has.


Bespoke Software Advantages and Disadvantages


1. Individually crafted solution:

Bespoke software is comparable to a custom-tailored suit. It will fit your parameters perfectly. Compared to the suit that you buy in shops.  It needs some adjustments and alterations in order to fit you perfectly. The same is true for off the shelf products as well. Compared to custom software, they are an all-purpose solution, which can be used by many companies.  This software often ends up trying to change your business to fit the technology rather than changing the technology to fit the business.

The tailored software is more suited and customized according to your business requirements and needs. It is designed to serve well all the purposes of your organization and is the right fit for you. In short it helps your company grow and prosper in the right sense of time and investment.

2. Returns on Investment:

While bespoke software can often involve investments, you often start experiencing financial benefits for your investments almost immediately. When it is well planned and well built, the time, as well as the human resource savings, can quickly pay for themselves.  As can the competitive edge that you can gain by developing better systems than your rivals. Bespoke software can increase your company’s operating efficiency when it is well planned and executed to develop custom software for your business.

When you compare to the long term goals, you come to know that eventually bespoke software pays itself off. You start reaping the benefits right from the first year itself. It only requires investment at at earliest stage for you to start getting rewards and benefits.

3. Better Security:

Common off the shelf products have one major disadvantage, hackers know all the security loopholes of such kind of programs and can often take advantage of these weaknesses. That is the reason why you do not feel 100% secure when you’re using such software. On the other hand, custom software or bespoke software is only used by your business and this cuts the chances of hacks and break-ins to a bare minimum. This also reduces the chances of incentives for hacking. When you use an off the shelf product, you can get successful in hacking one system and can potentially access thousands more that use the same software.

Bespoke software is highly secure when you compare it with off the shelf software. This is because the software is designed to your customer requirements and needs. Hence it is viable to know that it is a best fit for your organization and caters to all your needs.

4. Scalability:

If your company grows or it expands to cover various other market sectors, the off the shelf solution may not cope or input in a way the system develops over time. Bespoke software can grow and scale together with your business as it expands. Bespoke software being designed according to your customer needs and requirements, it is worthwhile to know that in terms of scalability as well it is efficient and easily expandable. Scalability is a such an entity that comes when there is a touch of customizability and personalization to suit the needs happens.


5. Time Saving:

Bespoke software can help you to save time and resources that help you utilize the full potential of your resources. Because the software is custom designed to fit your needs, you can use the software to manage a critical business process that saves you time. This does not happen with off the shelf products. As they say, time saved is money saved.


Read More: Why You Should Choose Custom Software Development?


Bespoke Software Disadvantages/Disadvantages of Bespoke Software:


1. Initial costs are higher than off-shelf software:

The upfront costs borne by the company in the initial stages associated with custom software development is the biggest disadvantage. Bespoke software or custom made software often costs more than its off-shelf variants.  Mainly due to the fact that it requires more time and effort to create the perfect solution. Eventually, it benefits any organization using it, once the software is developed often can bring you much more money.

2. Waiting Time is high:

Since custom software or bespoke software created from scratch, companies need to wait for some time for the developers to build it. However, its the perfect fit for your business. Well worth the wait because all good things require some time and effort for creation.


Also Read: Off the Shelf Software Vs Custom Software



So we see that custom solution is the way forward. We have compared and contrasted bespoke software vs off-the-shelf software. As the benefits outway the costs associated with it, it is always good. If you’re looking for bespoke software development, simply drop your requirements to enquiry@nimapinfotech.com and let our experienced and highly technical developers take care of developing your software solution.


  • Sagar Nagda

    Sagar Nagda is the Founder and Owner of Nimap Infotech, a leading IT outsourcing and project management company specializing in web and mobile app development. With an MBA from Bocconi University, Italy, and a Digital Marketing specialization from UCLA, Sagar blends business acumen with digital expertise. He has organically scaled Nimap Infotech, serving 500+ clients with over 1200 projects delivered.

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