Mobile App Development Team: (Structure, Hiring Models, Cost)

The following professionals will be needed for the mobile app development team -

Project Manager

Assign a project manager who will act as your assistant and liaison with developers. He will be in charge of a project from inception to completion.

Business Analyst

A business analyst is in charge of performing business studies at the start of projects.

UI/UX Designer

UI/UX designers create clear, concise, and captivating app designs that offer a positive user experience.

iOS & Android Developers

The technological parts of creating mobile apps are the responsibility of Android and iOS developers.

Backend Developers

A backend developer is in charge of managing cloud storage, operating logic, and servers.

Quality Assurance Engineer

QA’s main responsibility is to make sure that, during the entire development process, the mobile software and design satisfy all requirements.

Contact us right now and let us be your reliable partner for developing mobile apps.