Are you planning to develop and build an offshore development center to support your business operations?

Get tips on how you can successfully set up one!!

1. Characterize your requirements:

Frame your detailed requirements as this will help you define the objective of your development center.

2. Pick a convenient location: 

The location position should be such that it is convenient for all the stakeholders and employees participating in your activities.

4. Select an outsourcing partner:

If challenges are hurdle for you to set up a development center, then you can also consider hiring an outsourcing partner who will handle all your developmental needs.

5. Security management:

Security is also a prime concern for new development centers as this prevents user data leaks through NDA agreements.

6. Recruiting your team:

Assemble the perfect team either through your partnership organization or hire offshore developers directly for your team all by yourself.

7. Organizational Hierarchy: 

Decide the perfect hierarchy for your stakeholders to follow suit so that your business process is set up in perfect way.

8. Communication management: 

Set up a forward comunication approach for all your stakeholders so that they so not hesitate in putting the right information and thoughts ahead.