A CTO is a senior executive who supervises the R&D activities and ensures that its technology requirements are met. The term "CTO as a service" (CaaS) refers to the business consulting services provided by a Chief Technology Officer to a startup.

Types of CTO Services

Full-Time Offshore Services

By outsourcing to a full-time offshore CTO, you may benefit from full-time cooperation while retaining a budget CTO salary.

Full-Time Internal Services

A full-time internal CTO can give business and technical expertise.

Fractional CTO Services

The CTO works the regular, fixed hours outlined in the contract. This option assists you in determining the services necessary and the time required to complete them.

Interim CTO Services

An interim CTO is hired to work on technical and business tasks together with a full-time internal CTO and other C-level executives.

One-Time CTO Services

Companies that work on projects should go with this choice. CTO focuses on certain responsibilities and procedures.



Save Cost

Save Cost

Startups require CTO services and they cannot afford full-time hiring, hiring part-time CTO is less expensive.

Improved Agility

Improved Agility

A CTO's guidance is crucial since it assists in identifying and resolving technical and commercial issues that may hinder growth and business operations.



There are no additional charges when dealing with an outside CTO. Only the services rendered are compensated.



The external CTO of the company will give an unbiased expert opinion.

Are you looking to  CTO as a Service

Nimap Infotech ensures:

Easy on-boarding On-time delivery Project ready At competitive cost No developers backout 12 yrs Exp in app & web      development

Nimap Infotech is a leading IT outsourcing company that provides CTO As a Service To know more about us send your inquiries at
