TypeScript Vs JavaScript: Which One to Choose From?

Typescript vs Java script both look very similar but here’s how you can choose the best for you Microsoft created TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, which is a statically typed language that translates to plain JavaScript. TypeScript improves the development experience by offering better tooling support and early error detection with the introduction of static typing.

JavaScript is an interpreted, high-level programming language that is mainly utilized for client-side web development. Because it gives developers the ability to work with the Document Object Model (DOM) and react to user activities, it makes web pages dynamic and interactive.

JavaScript and TypeScript are two different programming languages: JavaScript is prototype-based, while TypeScript is considered as an object-oriented language.


JavaScript does not support the static typing capability that is present in TypeScript.


JavaScript does not provide interfaces; TypeScript does.


Flexibility: Frontend and backend developers can utilize JavaScript due to its great flexibility because it works with all current web browsers.

Huge Ecosystem: There are a tons of libraries, frameworks, and tools available for a variety of uses in the JavaScript ecosystem. This facilitates the process of obtaining community support and solutions for your project.

JavaScript has dynamic typing, which eliminates the need for you to declare the types of your variables.




Features of JavaScript

Static Typing: Optional static typing is added to TypeScript, it is a a superset of JavaScript. This makes it possible to detect mistakes during compilation rather than during execution.

Tooling Support: TypeScript users get great tooling support through capabilities like autocompletion, refactoring, and code navigation with this both developer productivity and code quality may benefit from this.

Gradual Adoption: TypeScript supports JavaScript initially, and then as your project requires it, you can progressively incorporate TypeScript.




Features of TypeScript

Community Adoption: TypeScript has been used in production of numerous large projects and by numerous enterprises in recent years, indicating a significant increase in adoption


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