You can validate your business concept, gather input from early adopters, and make informed decisions about product development by launching MVP.

What is Minimum Viable Product?

What is Minimum Viable Product?

MVP involves building a basic product version with just the features that are absolutely necessary to satisfy early adopters.

Why do startups need MVP?

Why do startups need MVP?

Before releasing a main product with limited features, every business starts with a basic operating model.

Types of MVP models:

Types of MVP models:



It is an MVP model that involves assembling the product from many sources. An affiliate operates when a customer makes a purchase and gets paid a little commission.

Wizard of Oz:


The Wizard of Oz MVP technique is aimed at people who need additional skills or time to construct a faultless automated system.

Concierge MVP:


The MVP models of Concierge and Wizard of Oz are comparable, but Concierge MVP is more transparent about its internal workings.

Steps to build MVP:

Steps to build MVP:


It's essential to comprehend your target market before creating your MVP.

Understand target market:

Identify core feature of product:


Identifying the primary features that your solution needs to meet their needs would be the next stage in this case.

Essential features to include:


Prioritizing essential traits according to their applicability and relevance is crucial once the core traits have been determined.

BUILD your Startup Prodcut [MVP] WITHIN 60 DAYS

Despite High cost CTO in-house.

100% functionality, reliability, security & privacy ASSURED.

At half the cost compared to the cost of managing your own IT team.

By using NIMAP MVP FACTORY for StartUps